
Biologist E.O. Wilson defined biophilia as
the innate and instinctive affinity humans
have for the natural world, rooted in our
shared evolutionary history with nature.
Perhaps, it can come to represent the
recognition that our well-being is deeply
intertwined with the health of our planet.

On our planetary scale, we humans lie
between the micro and macro. A happy
medium of existence. Yet, so inebriated
with our prowess, we've seemingly lost
our place. Our systematic approach to
life exerts profound macro-level effects,
eroding our bond with other forms of life.

The natural world is occasionally
portrayed as hostile and relentless
in its ability to harm human life—
a dangerous realm. Reluctance or
aversion to spending time outdoors,
or even biophobia, is not uncommon,
and the consequences of such behavior
are challenging to define. From our
ever-expanding urban and capitalistic
landscapes to the influx of virtual
world building, it's not hard to imagine
a day when human beings are completely
disassociated with nature and the very
essence of what we are: biological.

Studies show that spending time outdoors
has incredibly positive effects on mental
health and general well-being. Though,
the very fact that we necessitate such
studies, is a reminder of how perturbed
our relationship with the natural
environment has become. What was
once perhaps self-evident is now novel.

This exhibition is far from a cry to return
to the hunter-gatherer epoch, but rather
an invitation to remember something that
lies fundamentally within, affinity for other
life forms and the desire to spend time
with them. Perhaps, through reconnection,
we'll find the courage and desire
to protect and regenerate.

©2025 Elisa Michelet